Soft Cactus Studio

We enjoy using what we create

Soft Cactus Studio logo


Our latest works

Time Track BillDesktopMobile

Time Track Bill logo

Droop LinkDesktopMobile

Droop Link logo

Epoch TimestampDesktopTool

Epoch Timestamp logo

About Us

Soft Cactus Studio is a small company from Romania, passionate about software development. We actually use and enjoy our products.

At first the company was created as a game development studio by Adrian Pavel. Later, Mihai Banu joined and the company shifted it's course to develop useful tools.

We both have years of experience producing complex, enterprise level systems.

Our collaboration started from a common frustration with existing time tracking software. That's when we decided to build something better.

We put our vision and experience into creating Time Track Bill - a tool that we think provides a good, easy to use experience. It's a system that we actually use and are proud of.
Check it out here.